You start your adventure ina gondola with Yeesha, the daughter of Atrus and Catherine. Hang-on and join theride! When you arrive in front of the landing platform, Yeesha will stop thegondola to enjoy the view. She tells you to make a picture of the nice view.She warns you not to place your finger in front of the lens because herfather does that and always ruins his pictures that way. To take a picture, click on your right mousebutton. Then move the cursor to the photo camera at the bottom left side of yourscreen. Make sure you have the landing platform in your viewer and then pressthe left mouse button for your first picture.

Nice view...

When you reach thelanding platform, wait until Yeesha enters the building to tell her fatherthat you have arrived. While you are standing in front of the door, look tothe right and pull the lever attached to the railing. Enter the opened door.Climb up the stairs to your right.

Look to the right and you'llsee a small type of planetarium standing on the desk. Move the lever at thebottom of the device to turn the planets. Open the drawer of the desk. Examinethe drawer. Hmmm... nothing! Zoom out and close the drawer. Turn to left and move one stepforward.

Turn to the right and openmiddle drawer of the desk. Also examine this drawer to find... nothing again!Open the small cupboard with the small squares at the left side on top of the desk.Zoom in. Hmmm...nothing except little empty flasks! Zoom out. Turn to the left and go one stepforward. The father of Yeesha, good old Atrus, now welcomes you.

Listen to his story. Itseems that he has build a new device called a Crystal Viewer to get linked to the differentAges. Atrus is absolutely sure that the Crystal Viewer will workproperly. The only thing is... it must be calibrated first. It would be good ifyou would help him with that. He points to the control panel behind your back.

If you zoom in on the panel,you'll see that the control panel has a slider and three dials. With those threedials from the left to the right you can adjust the amplitude, the frequency andthe phase by turning the dials. First of all save your game, just in case ofsomething goes wrong!

Tip: if youdon't want to calibrate this device (or if you can't) just zoom out from thedevice twice during the process. Atrus tells you it really isn't that hard. Butthe final result will be the same, namely that the Crystal Viewer will explodeanyhow...

If you want to calibrate thedevice, follow Atrus' instructions. For a large part I can help you with that. The last part however is a littletricky. To accomplish the last part you must listen very carefully to the instructionsof Atrus. Each time he tells that you must choose another signal, you mustmove the slider. The first set of coordinates is for Achenar's Prison Age calledHaven. Here we go:

move the slider to the right
turn the left dial all the way to the right
turn the right dial all the way to the right
move the slider to left
turn the left dial all the way to the right
turn center dial all the way to the right

That's it! The first set ofcoordinates for Haven has been set. Now the second set for the Prison World ofSirrus, called Spire...

move the slider to the right
turn the left dial to 45 degrees to the right
turn the center dial to 45 degrees to the right
turn the right dial to 45 degrees to the right
move the slider to the left
turn the left dial to 45 degrees to the right
turn the right dial up to 45 degrees to the right
turn the center dial a little to the right

For the last part you make verysmall adjustments. So follow Atrus'instructions verycarefully until you have set the second coordinates! I can only wish you goodluck with that!

When the calibration has beendone, the happiness is however of very short duration. Something seems to be verywrong with the Crystal Viewer, and as a result the Crystal Viewer breaksdown... Atrus leaves for Rime to find some materials to fix the Crystal Viewer. In the meantime youonly have to restore the power supply and you have to get the Crystal Viewer towork properly again to get in touch with him. He also tells you not to forget to slide out the antenna onthe roof!?!?!?!? The last thing he kindly asks you is to keep an eye on Yeesha. And off he goes, leaving you a little helpless and bewilderedbehind...

The first thing what we'lldo is to restore the power supply. Turn around and take one step into thedirection of the broken Crystal Viewer. Turn to the left and you'll see an elevatordoor beneath a little stair. Pull the lever at your right to open the elevatordoor.

Enter the elevator and waituntil the door is closed. Look around and move the handle with the red lights tothe center position. When the elevator has arrived at it's destination, pull up thebeige lever at the right side of the elevator door and exit the elevator.Remember that you can find the elevator here. Turn to the right and follow thewooden planks until you are standing in the first greenhouse. Turn to the leftand go further along the wall of the greenhouse. When you stop, turn to the rightand go through the opening in the wall.

A little further Yeesha isstanding in the entrance of the next greenhouse and calls that you must comequickly. So quickly walk to her. When in that greenhouse go to the right and Yeeshawill show you a green colored gecko. When Yeesha leaves, turn around and walkfurther into the greenhouse. When you stop, turn to the right and go through thenext opening in the wall of the greenhouse.

The green gecko...

Walk straight on to thewooden planks that are leading into a rock formation in the distance. Walkfurther until you enter the rock formation. Examine the room and you'll see ahuge water wheel that has stopped due to the little accident with the Crystal Viewerresulting in no power for the moment. In front of you you'llsee a pole with a button on top, two orange blinking symbols and below them alarge lever.

First, take a picture ofthe orange blinking symbols. After that, pull the large lever to reset the device.Notice that the two orange symbols will no longer be lit. Turn around and exitthe rock formation. Walk straight ahead into the greenhouse. Exit thegreenhouse through the next opening in the wall. Look to the left and see thatYeesha is standing in her mother, Catherine's garden chamber.

Enter that garden chamber.Yeesha will tell you that there is something wrong with the power box.Catherine made that power box because Atrus has caused accidents with thepower supply in the past. Walk into the direction of the power box. Yeesha isshowing you some captured fireflies. When she disappears, zoom in on thepower box and pull up the shutter.

At the back of the power boxyou'll see six panels, of which, only two are lit and have the same kind ofsymbol at the bottom you saw earlier in the rock formation with the water wheel.You will also see two rows of buttons that look very much like the buttons of anold-fashioned typing machine. To the left you'll see a lever and to the right alarge push button.

The power box before...

With the lever to the leftyou can reset the device and the push button. To the right is some kind of enterbutton with which you have to confirm your entries. With the back row of buttonsyou can send power and with the front row of buttons you can receive power. Tosend power to the rock with the water wheel you have to push the next buttonsfrom the left to the right:

back row 1
front row 4
back row 4
front row 5
back row 5
front row 3
back row 1
front row 6
back row 3
front row 6

...and afterwards

When you have done thiscorrectly, the symbols of the water wheel will blink and the power box will close.If this doesn't happen, you have done something wrong. In that case you have topull the left lever to reset the device and try again.

Turn around and zoom in onthe book on the table. Zoom out and zoom in on the microscope on the table. Zoomout. Turn to the right and leavethe garden chamber. When you step outside you hear the sound of someone playinga flute somewhere from the left. Turn to the left and enter the greenhouse. Notice that the sound of theflute gets louder. Walk further through the greenhouse until you reach thebucket filled with water. Turn to the left and climb down the ladder. Now youhave another meeting with Yeesha. She is practicing playing a song on a shell.When you have seen and heard enough, climb up the ladder. Turn to the right andwalk further through the greenhouse. Exit the greenhouse and walk straight oninto the other greenhouse.

Yeesha playing the flute

Walk further to theleft side. Go through the opening in the wall. Walk straight on thewooden planks that lead to the rock formation. Enter through the opening in therock to end up once more in the room with the water wheel. Notice that the twosymbols are lit white now, which means that there is power. Push the buttonabove the symbols and the water wheel will start to move. Congratulations... youhave just restored the power!

Turn around and go tooutside. Walk forward on the wooden planks. In the distance you'll see Yeeshawalking to the right. Unfortunately something else has gone very wrong now. With a thundering noise the walking planks collapse, leaving you behind inthe water. For the moment you have no idea what caused the explosion but youfind out soon enough. Notice the green glow caused by the explosion...

Tomahna by Night - Part 2

Climb out of the water via the blue-lit planks.Walk all the way back to the elevator via the two greenhouses. Pull the lever and step into the elevator. Move the handle with the redlights into the upper position to return to Atrus' study. Now it's time toaccomplish the next task: to get in touch with Atrus. Open the elevator.

Walk to the panel that you used at the beginning to establish the amplitude, frequency and phase withAtrus. No... you don't have to do that again. Open the upper drawer at the rightof the rounddesk. Look through Atrus' diary that is lying in the drawer.Approximately in the middle of the diary you'll see an image of five coloredcrystals. Make a picture of these crystals!!! It's the crystal combination forRime, the place Atrus has left for.

Atrus' Journal

Turn to the left and walktoward the Crystal Viewer. Climb up the little stairs at the left side and walk to the three circular guarding monitors.Zoom in on the monitors. Zoom out and look to the right and you'll see alarge drawing of Tomahna. Flip over the first drawing and you'll see a sketch of atelescope. Turn to the right a little and you'll find a switch that is difficultto see. It is in the direction of the elevator.

The very hard to see switch

That's it!

Walkto that switch and press the switch all the way down. That willopen a part of the roof. Seems like a good idea to me to use the telescope! Turnaround and walk back to the guarding monitors. At the left of it climb up thelittle stairs. Turn to the left and below you'll see a little chair. Take a seatand push the red blinking button to go up in the direction of the telescope.

Zoom inon the telescope and press the upper-right button that has on it an image of a lighthouse.The buttonis now lit orange and more importantly, now the antenna on theroof will slide out. Turn the wheel to the right to get a complete pictureof the moon.

Zoom outand press the red button on your chair to go down. Turn around and step on theplatform. Turn to the right and walk toward the Crystal Viewer. Notice that allthe crystals are burning now ontop of the device. It should work properly now.Zoom in on the Crystal Viewer. Your goal now is to get in touch with Atrus. First of allsave your game. You never know when something will go wrong.

Now havea look at your Journal. That is the device at the bottom leftof your screennext to the photo camera. Take a look at the picture of the crystals you justtook in Atrus' diary. Zoom in on that picture and make a sketch of those crystalsand note the colors of each and every crystal. You can also refer to the photobefore setting each crystal eliminating the need to sketch them.

Now havea closer look the Crystal Viewer.At the top you see a display that now only shows snow. Beneath the display you'llnotice five sliding lids with buttons underneath them. At the right side you see acircular panel with colored dots, a little lever above the dots and a sliderabove the colored dots. Note that the little lever is situated over the red dot. That'sfine because thatis the color you have to start with.

Move theslider on the circular panel to the right and see that another form of a crystalwill be projected on the circular panel while sliding the slider. Be sure thatyou move the slider all the way back to the left. Now move the slider slowly tothe right and be sure that you see the sixth image of a crystal. Then press theleft button underneath the display. This opens the lid and you'll see that thesame shaped red-colored crystal is now in that box.

Now movethe little lever over the pale blue dot. Be sure that you move the slider all theway back to the left. Now move the slider slowly to the right and be sure thatyou see the third image of a crystal. Then press the second button underneath the display.This opens the lid and you'll see that the same shaped pale blue-colored crystalis now in that box.

Now movethe little lever over the yellow dot. Move the slider all the way to the rightthis time. Then press the third button underneath the display. This opensthe lid and you'll see that the same shaped yellow-colored crystal is now in that box.

Now movethe little lever over the green dot. Don't move the slider this time! Then pressthe fourth button underneath the display. This opens the lid and you'll see thatthe same shaped green-colored crystal is now in that box.

Now movethe little lever over the dark blue dot. Be sure that you move the slider all theway back to the left. Now move the slider slowly to the right and be sure thatyou see the second image of a crystal. Then press the fifth button underneath the display.This opens the lid and you'll see that the same shaped dark blue-colored crystalis now in that box, which makes the series complete. Now press the large buttonbeneath the five small buttons. If youdid this correctly, you'll be in touch with Atrus. If not, you have done somethingwrong. In that case give it another try until you succeed.

Well done!

Atrusseems to be stuck in an electromagnetic storm. You can barely here him tellyou to go to his bedroom and to press the button on his desk to discover hisstudies about the Ages Haven and Spire. He also asks you to tell Yeesha that shemust not forget to do her homework!? If you want to hear the message again, just push the largebutton again. Zoom out.

Turn tothe right and take onestep forward. Pull the lever of the elevator and get in. Move the handle with thered lights into the bottom position. When the elevator stops, use the beige leverto get out of theelevator. Climb up the blue-lit stairs. Look around and read the sign on the floor.Zoom out.

Turnaround and enter Atrius' bedroom. Turn to the right and walk towardthe nightstand at the right side of the bed. Read Catherine's note that is lying on the nightstand.Notice how Atrus' name and Catherine's name are written in D'Ni writing. Turn around and walktoward Atrus'desk. Open the small cupboard on top of the desk. Zoom in on the opened cupboardand read the note. You'll see a sketch of the fireplace. Notice that the two lamps in thebedroom are connected with the fireplace by laser beams. Zoom out.

Click onthe square button beneath the opened cupboard (thanks Johan Kruk). This opens two compartments. Theleft one contains a red/brown book and the right one a blue book. Zoom in on thered/brown book. Page through the book to learn moreabout the Age called Spire, the Prison Age of Atrus' son Sirrus. Take a picture of the colored crystals. You neverknow if they come in handy later on in the game. Besides that you can take 999pictures in total. I'll bet you'll never taken that many. On the other hand, youcan always delete pictures if you want. That's one of the benefits of digitalcameras... Zoom in on the blue book. Page throughthe book to learn more about the Age called Haven, the Prison Age of Atrus' sonAchenar. Also take a picture of thesecolored crystals. So these must be the studies Atrus was talking about! When youfinished reading, zoom out.

The red/brown book at the left and the blue one at the right

Look alittle to the left and switch on the lamp on the desk by using the switch on top ofit. Turn around and walk toward the left nightstand. Switch on this lamptoo. Walk toward the fireplace and notice that the bottom part is now lit. Step into that part of the fireplace. Look around and see thatYeesha's amulet is laying on the floor. Pick it up and click on it to see what has taken place. Remember that Yeeshatold you earlier that she can see things by using this amulet!

Step outof the fireplace. Zoom in on the painting above the fireplace andclick on the amulet. Zoom out. Walk to Atrus' desk once more. Open the topcompartment of his desk. Then push the square button once more to open thehidden compartments. Zoom in on the red/brown book, click on the amulet and lookthrough the book. After that do the same with the blue book. Zoom out. Exit the bedroom and zoom in on the sign on the floor oncemore. Click onthe amulet. Zoom out. Turn to the right and walk past the left side of Atrus' bedroom. Thisbrings you to aplatform with an elevator. Walk past the left side of the elevator. Lookaround and notice a lever attached to the balustrade. Pull that lever to the right.

The lever to Yeesha's bedroom and the living room

Out ofnowhere appears a wooden bridge. Cross that bridge andyou end up in front of the family's living room. Turn to the right and zoom in on thetable. You'll see an opened book with D'Ni-signs and the corresponding characters. Click onthe amulet. Take a picture ofthe opened book. Zoom out. Turn to the left and enter the living room.

Take a lookat the pictures of the two sons of Atrus and Catherine, Sirrus and Achenar, on top of themantel. If you wish, you can light the fire in the fireplace by using the bellows... Go to the right and study the picture of Atrus andCatherine. Turn to the left to see the kitchen. Enter the kitchen and walktoward the sink. You can start some water running by using the tap.Hit the large pan at the right side above the sink.

Turn tothe left and study the pans on the left side above the sink. Click on the amulet.Zoom out. Turn around and study the stove. Click on the amulet. Zoom out. Go to the right and walktowardthe lounge suite. Zoom in on the picture of Yeesha. Zoom in on the chessboard andclick on the amulet. Zoom out. Exit the living room and step on the platform on the rightside. Pull the lever on therailing at the right. The wooden bridge changes position and now leads toYeesha's bedroom.

Descend thewooden bridge and enter Yeesha's bedroom.Study the table with the fish tank. Zoom out. Walk to Yeesha's bed and move the pillow.Pick up Yeesha's diary and click on the amulet. Look through the diary. Take apicture of the image with the colored crystals!!! It's the crystal combinationfor the Age called Serenia. Notice that on the next pageshe has written that on the second Friday her dad and she had modified the lockof her bookcase. And because she reads D'Ni-signs now, she has been able to change the backs of the books. Alsonotice that she has written that she uses everybody's name now and that she doesn't forgetanybody's age!?!?

Turn tothe left and zoom in on the fancy dress. Click on the amulet. Zoom out. Go furtherto the left and study the desk. Zoom in on the crystal and click on the amulet.Zoom out. Walk further to the left and stand in front of the bookcase. Zoom in on theglass doors beneath the books. In the left cupboard you'll see some kind of bookand in the right cupboard you'll see some kind of cloth. There is no way to openthese cupboards. Now have a look at the books. Notice a lot of bookswith D'Ni language on the backs as mentioned in Yeesha's diary. Remember that she wrote that she doesn'tforget anybody's age.

Now thereare two different ways to discover the way in which the names Yeesha, Sirrus,Archenar, Catherine and Atrus are written in D'Ni-language. One way is byreturning to the garden where you can find the family tree in one of the greenhouses. Theother way is by using the picture you just made of theopened book with D'Ni-signs and the corresponding characters. Also remember yousaw earlier on Catherine's note how her name and Atrus'name are written in D'Ni-language.This last waydoesn't need any further explanation I guess. If you happen to choose the firstway, here is how you can findthat family tree. And not only that but I'll also point out the various spots where you canuse the amulet to see what happened in the past...

If youwish can play with the wooden ball game at your left. Exit thebedroom and go up the staircase on the left side. Pull the lever on the railing tothe left. Cross the bridge and walk in the direction of the staircase. Pull the lever ofthe elevator. Step into the elevator and move the handle to the center position.When the elevator stops, open the elevator and get out. Turn around and cross the wooden plankson the left side. Enter the first greenhouse. Look around and notice the bucketfilled with water. Look down and climb down the ladder once more. Notice thatYeesha has disappeared.

In thatpart of the greenhouse you'll see a device with a large ball. Push the orangebutton beneath the ball to make some light. You can move the ball by using the handles.Point the beam of light to the right onto the stone shield. Zoom in on the stoneshield that appears to be the family tree. Click on the amulet. Take a picture of the family tree.Zoom out. Climbback upthe ladder.

The family tree

Don't returnto the elevator yet. Turn to the left and walk further through the greenhouse.Leave the greenhouse through the opening in the wall. Turn to the right andenter Catherine's garden chamber. Walk to the left and zoom in on the power box. Click onthe amulet. Zoom out and walk further to the right. Try to open the door of thegarden chamber.Zoom in on the lower part of that door and click on the amulet. Zoom out.

Zoom inon the lid of the glass tank with the fireflies. Click on the amulet. Zoom out. Turn to the rightand walk toward the wall with the lit bulbs. Open the center bulb and zoom in on the plant. Click onthe amulet. Turn a little to the right and exit the room. Enter the greenhouseat your left side and continue until you reach to the bucket filled with water.Exit the greenhouse and walk to the elevator. Pull the lever of the elevator andget in.

Move thehandle into theupper position. You'll end up Atrus' study. Open the elevator and turn to theright. Walk toward the door leading outside. Pull the lever at the right side ofthe door. Go outside and zoom in on the pole with the orange sign. Click on theamulet. Turn around and pull the lever to open the door. Go inside and walk tothe Crystal Viewer. Zoom in on the Crystal Viewer and click on the amulet.

Now onceyou are here, let's make a virtual trip to the three Ages of which you found thecrystal combinations. The first two you found in Atrus' hidden books for theAges called Spire and Haven. The last one you found in Yeesha's Journal for theAge called Serenia.

Yourfirst virtual trip is to Serenia. Move the slider on the right circular panel slowly tothe right and be sure that you see the seventh image of a crystal. Then press theleft button underneath the display. This opens the lid and you'll see that thesame shaped red-colored crystal is now in that box.

Now movethe little lever over the yellow dot. Be sure that you move the slider all theway back to the left. Now move the slider slowly to the right and be sure thatyou see the sixth image of a crystal. Then press the second button underneath the display.This opens the lid and you'll see that the same shaped pale yellow-colored crystalis now in that box.

Now movethe little lever over the pink dot. Be sure that you move the slider all theway back to the left. Now move the slider slowly to the right and be sure thatyou see the fourth image of a crystal. Then press the third button underneath the display. This opensthe lid and you'll see that the same shaped pink-colored crystal is now in that box.

Now movethe little lever over the dark blue dot. Be sure that you move the slider all theway back to the left. Now move the slider slowly to the right and be sure thatyou see the third image of a crystal. Then pressthe fourth button underneath the display. This opens the lid and you'll see thatthe same shaped dark blue-colored crystal is now in that box.

Now movethe little lever over the green dot. Be sure that you move the slider all theway back to the left. Now move the slider slowly to the right and be sure thatyou see the first image of a crystal. Then press the fifth button underneath the display.This opens the lid and you'll see that the same shaped green-colored crystalis now in that box, which makes the series complete. Now press the large buttonbeneath the five small buttons. If youdid this correctly, you'll see an image of Serenia. If not, you have done somethingwrong. In that case give it another try until you succeed.

Your first impression of Serenia...

Yoursecond virtual trip is to Spire. Be sure the little lever is still over the green dot. Be sure that you move the slider all theway back to the left. Now move the slider slowly tothe right and be sure that you see the first image of a crystal. Then press theleft button underneath the display. This opens the lid and you'll see that thesame shaped green-colored crystal is now in that box.

Now movethe little lever over the dark blue dot. Now move the slider all the way back tothe left. Now move the slider slowly to the right and be sure that you see theseventh image of a crystal. Then press the second button underneath the display.This opens the lid and you'll see that the same shaped dark blue-colored crystalis now in that box.

Now movethe little lever over the red dot. Now move the slider all the way to the rightto see the eight image of a crystal. Then press the third button underneath the display. This opensthe lid and you'll see that the same shaped red-colored crystal is now in that box.

Now movethe little lever over the yellow dot. Be sure that you move the slider all theway back to the left. Now move the slider slowly to the right and be sure thatyou see the fourth image of a crystal. Then pressthe fourth button underneath the display. This opens the lid and you'll see thatthe same shaped dark yellow-colored crystal is now in that box.

Now movethe little lever over the light blue dot. Be sure that you move the slider all theway back to the left. Now move the slider slowly to the right and be sure thatyou see the fifth image of a crystal. Then press the fifth button underneath the display.This opens the lid and you'll see that the same shaped light blue-colored crystalis now in that box, which makes the series complete. Now press the large buttonbeneath the five small buttons. If youdid this correctly, you'll see an image of Spire. If not, you have done somethingwrong. In that case give it another try until you succeed.

Your first impression of Spire...

Yourthird virtual trip is to Haven. Now move the little lever over the dark bluedot. Be sure that you move the slider all theway back to the left. Now move the slider slowly tothe right and be sure that you see the second image of a crystal. Then press theleft button underneath the display. This opens the lid and you'll see that thesame shaped dark blue-colored crystal is now in that box.

Now movethe little lever over the red dot. Now move the slider all the way to the rightso thatyou see the eighth image of a crystal. Then press the second button underneath the display.This opens the lid and you'll see that the same shaped red-colored crystalis now in that box.

Now movethe little lever over the pink dot. Be sure that you move the slider all theway back to the left. Now move the slider slowly to the right and be sure thatyou see the first image of a crystal. Then press the third button underneath the display. This opensthe lid and you'll see that the same shaped pink-colored crystal is now in that box.

Now movethe little lever over the green dot. Be sure that you move the slider all theway back to the left. Now move the slider slowly to the right and be sure thatyou see the fifth image of a crystal. Then pressthe fourth button underneath the display. This opens the lid and you'll see thatthe same shaped green-colored crystal is now in that box.

Now movethe little lever over the yellow dot. Be sure that you move the slider all theway back to the left. Now move the slider slowly to the right and be sure thatyou see the sixth image of a crystal. Then press the fifth button underneath the display.This opens the lid and you'll see that the same shaped yellow-colored crystalis now in that box, which makes the series complete. Now press the large buttonbeneath the five small buttons. If youdid this correctly, you'll see an image of Haven. If not, you have done somethingwrong. In that case give it another try until you succeed.

Your first impression of Haven...

Whenfinished, zoom out. Walkfurther to the left and take a seat in the little chair near the telescope.Press the red buttonand zoom in on the telescope. Click on the amulet. Zoom out. Go down by pressing the redbutton of the chair. Step on the platform and walk to the circular monitors.Zoom in on the monitors and click on the amulet. Return to the elevator near theCrystal Viewer.

Myst iv revelation walkthrough

Pull the leverandstep into the elevator. Move the handle to the bottom position. Open the elevator andgo to the right. Cross the bridge. Pull the lever on the railing to the right. Go down and enter Yeesha's bedroom. Now stand in front of the bookcase. Open your Journal and look at the picture you made of the family tree.Zoom in on the family tree. Compare the names on thebacks of the books with the names on the family tree. Keep in mind that you haveto start with the youngest one (Yeesha) and have to end with the oldest one (Atrus).Now you can easily find out the correct order to press the different books tounlock the bookcase.

Just incase that you might have problems with that here is the correct order: press the books fromthe left to the right in this order: 12, 6, 8, 3 and 14. Whit this the whole bookcase goes down.Enter the revealed opening. Go to the left. On your way you'll see some swimmingstuff and at the end of the scaffold you'll see an easel with a painting. Well...great!!! Was all that effort only for this!?!? Well... no! You have to come backhere later.

When you are finished looking around, head back to the ladder leading up. Pull thelever at the right side of the ladder. Climb up the ladder. Exit the bedroom and cross the bridge.Turn around and pull the lever on the railing to the left. Cross the footbridgeand climb up the stairs at the right side of the elevator. Enter the bedroom ofAtrus and Catherine.

Enter the lower part of the fireplace. Turn around and push the button. Because of thisa large panel falls down. Look up and you'll see a panel with a lot of square push buttons and red laserdots. Notice that the red laser dots are shining on some of the square pushbuttons. Your goal is to press the correct buttons in the correct order so thatall buttons with a laser dot will be lit. Lable the buttonsfrom top to bottom A up to and including F and the buttons from the left to theright 1 up to and including8. Push the buttons in this order: B2, E1, D3, D4, C6, E8 and F6. When you have donethis correctly... enjoy the ride! If nothing happens you simply didn't use thecorrect code. In that case push the button beneath the square buttons to resetthe board and try again...

After your free ride downwalk to the big broken circular door at the left. Zoom in on the door and clickon the amulet. Zoom out. Turn to the right and climb up the little stairs. Pull the biglever at your left backwards. Enter the circular room. Turn to the right andpull the little lever to the right. The whole chamber turns around revealing twolinking books. Click on the leftlinking book to go to Spire.